Into the future with the digital

The current volatility and the need to adapt business models to new trends, such as new technologies and the culture of sustainability, are impacting decisively the Fashion & Luxury segment.

All the power of omnichannel and data analytics

More and more organizations are investing in strategies that aim at omnichannel, so as to realize customer journeys complete with points of contact and that overcome the problem of travel retail sales resulting from the pandemic.
The move to online sales is the key strategy for success, as well as data analytics for sales planning and forecasting.
Despite these changes, it will continue the investment to increase the in-store experience, transforming it with digital tools, and making it truly interactive.

Some of our latest thinking

11 September 2023

Why a new approach to assortment is needed 

Per ottenere il massimo dall’assortimento è necessario intraprendere un nuovo approccio. Scopri perché.
4 July 2023

A window on workforce planning

Sfruttare al meglio le risorse, ridurre le ore improduttive e ottimizzare la capacità di risposta. Scopri di più sul Workforce Planning
9 June 2023

Retailer: the thread that combines prices and promotions

Retailers have an ace up their sleeve that they often choose not to use: finding the right balance that links promotions and prices. In fact,…
9 May 2023

How retailers meet customer expectations 

Le aspettative dei consumatori sono sempre più complesse e volatili: i retailer come possono soddisfarle? 🔮 Scoprilo nel nostro nuovo articolo.
2 May 2023

Strategy execution: learning to ride a bike

Defined a Strategy, this must be realized. A Business Plan should contain both the description of the Strategy and its Plan to put it into…
2 May 2023

Strategy Execution and process transformation: from theory to practice

Everyone who lives in the company realizes that the organization is the primary element that constitutes it. When we talk about organization we are not…