Would you like to get the most out of your analysis? Focus on the results and turn them into real resources for your organization.
At a time like the present, when the Covid-19 pandemic is upsetting economies around the world, many companies are juggling a challenge: to exploit data analytics to take advantage of them or simply to keep up with competitors.
According to research by Gartner, by 2023 data will become necessary to create business value, and will be included in 80% of change management strategies. But until 2022, only 20 percent of analytics will deliver business results.
Designing analysis is one thing, but it’s much more complicated to value it.
Our experience in the sector, leads us to say that focusing on the results and objectives of the business, is essential to create a real impact for the organization.
But not only that. It’s important to have a wider view.
Sometimes it happens that many people turn to their Cios with the aim of fully exploiting the potential of data.
But it’s not just IT responsibility, data and analytics involve the whole organization, the whole business, and they’re one of the essential drivers of business change.
For this reason it is necessary that all stakeholders, from the most technical of IT to functional managers, collaborate.
It is crucial that process leaders realize the real value of the data they have available, so that the CIO and its team can turn it into valuable business resources.
The success of the collaboration
In order for the strategic IT-business collaboration to succeed, it is important to set a whole new approach and a change in the culture of the organization.
This partnership is important, as professionals should not only be experts in the processes they drive or in the tools they use, but must support each other to fill those areas where there is no full knowledge.
Break down the silos
Another point to take into account is more technical: many times the data are organized in silos, a condition that blocks the creation of the value factor.
We should organize the data as puzzles, so that they can join the need.
In fact, in order for the data to be used efficiently, different teams need to know where to find it, and this has to be quick and easy.
With digitization, the data has increased exponentially, but fortunately we have tools at our disposal that can help us in the management.
Learn how we have helped our customers master them, creating value for their business and processes, and reading our case studies.
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