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Blue Yonder

Technology / Blue Yonder

Solutions for the success of the Retailer

Thanks to the power of the Blue Yonder platform, Axiante is able to support retailers in capitalizing on their value. With Blue Yonder’s solutions, you can discover the right mix of products for a given store, intelligently integrate customer demand, inventory, store space, and automate complex and volatile processes.


To be able to create a superior customer experience and – at the same time – retain the sign you need the right assortment of products. Assortment management is the combination of in-depth analysis, consumer buying preferences, assortment life cycle planning and sizing, as well as pre-pack optimization in a simplified workflow. The correct management of the entire product range eliminates delays and increases sales and margins on all channels, as well as providing localized information on buyers. Learn how to harness the power of Blue Yonder’s assortment management to satisfy customers with the right assortment and maximum profitability.

Build profitable assortment management

Man mano che i comportamenti di acquisto dei clienti si evolvono, i rivenditori come il vostro si trovano ad affrontare una sfida unica: come mantenere un assortimento ottimizzato che non solo soddisfi la domanda, ma migliori anche l’appagamento del cliente. Venite con noi nel mondo Blue Yonder per scoprire come questo software riesca ad aiutare le aziende di vendita al dettaglio e a creare assortimenti ottimizzati e localizzati, sfruttando le informazioni proattive e basate sull’analisi.

Blue Yonder Category Management è una soluzione avanzata per la gestione delle categorie che offre una visione completa delle prestazioni delle categorie e dei fornitori, supportando così la pianificazione e la negoziazione delle categorie. La soluzione utilizza l’intelligenza artificiale e l’analisi dei dati per fornire una comprensione approfondita delle tendenze del mercato e delle prestazioni delle categorie.

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Strategic pricing

For all retailers, determining the right price is crucial, especially in a world increasingly characterized by the volatility of demand and its sudden change, and an increasing amount of data to manage. In order to meet expectations, we need to use automated processes to understand how factors affect demand and how to use this data to determine successful pricing strategies. The Blue Yonder solution, Luminate Pricing, is based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, is able to fully understand the factors of influence and supports in making the optimal decision making.

Automate your pricing strategy with the intelligence and accuracy of Luminate Market Pricing

To succeed within an increasingly competitive landscape, grocery retailers must find the right balance between inventory, prices and promotions also in order to maintain profit levels. Blue Yonder knows this and invites you to explore the benefits of Luminate Market Pricing, a tool designed to offer optimized pricing for each channel and product, based on consumer demand, brand loyalty and local conditions.

With Blue Yonder Strategic Pricing, retailers can effectively manage their prices, increase their efficiency and improve their profit margins. The solution offers a number of advanced features for price setting, price negotiation with suppliers and price performance analysis.

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Workforce Management

In order for your company to retain talent and attract new minds, it is essential to balance the needs of your employees with those of your company. Blue Yonder’s Workforce Management solutions are designed to help you address today’s job challenges with flexible scheduling, time and attendance, simplified job compliance, and long-term planning. Reduce turnover and achieve higher levels of productivity, both for the front line and for top managers. Based on the secure Microsoft Azure platform, this solution includes built-in security controls and information about potential pitfalls to protect your organization from evolving cyber threats.

Strategic workforce planning in action

When it’s time to attract and maintain a quality workforce, understanding your work team is critical – and at the same time, what programming flexibility means for each of them. Learn how to leverage strategic workforce planning to empower each employee while meeting business needs.

With Blue Yonder Workforce Management, retailers can effectively manage their human resources, increase their efficiency and improve staff productivity.
It provides a comprehensive view of labour market dynamics and factors affecting the workforce, allowing companies to continuously adapt their personnel management strategy. The solution also allows you to continuously monitor and evaluate employee performance, which makes it possible to make informed decisions and continuously improve human resource management.

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